Dunderdagar and So Small a Thing are excited to bring you THE EVIL AT THE END OF THE PATH, a third-party adventure for Dragonbane TTRPG. Check out the Kickstarter today!
Dunderdagar is producing adventures and scenarios to the tabletop roll-playing game Drakar och Demoner (Dragonbane in English). Click the button to read more about our products.
The Swedish version of the adventure The Creeping Darkness won GOLD in the BEST THIRD-PARTY PRODUCT category at the FENIX AWARDS held during GOTHCON 2024. Dunderdagar and all our staff would like to thank everyone who voted for our adventure. This spurs on the work on the English version that we are working on right now.
Dunderdagar manages and develops several comics like Karl Kämpe, King Graycoat and Blonde Death. In the future we hope to expand our catalog with new exciting titles.
Karl Kämpe has a official website in swedish. There you can read more about the stoic hero and his comic book Karl Kämpe The Adventurer (both swedish and english version).
Are you interested in reading Karl Kämpe but don’t want to spend your hard-earned money just yet? No problem, when you sign up for the Comic Book Newsletter you get Karl Kämpe The Adventurer issue 0 today for free. This comic book is in English.
Dunderdagar has its own YouTube channel where you can see teasers, trailers and motion comics. In the future, the plans are to also do live broadcasts, but since this is a time-consuming process, we’ll see how that thing turns out.